If You are…

Primary Schools

In-school cross-curriculum
creative learning classroom
within school hours

Train the trainers
(Professional Development)
for participating teachers

Cultural outings
complementary to
the curriculum

Annual Year-end
Knowledge Exchange Festival

Creative Learning
Leadership Programme
(London Study Trip)

Creative Schools II NEW!
  • Year 2025 – 2028 (Enrolment starts: 2025 Spring)
  • 12 schools, 2 classes each
  • 2 subject teachers in different Key Learning Areas
  • Collaboration with Creative Practitioners to co-design a cross-curriculum creative learning programme
  • Application prerequisite: satisfactory completion of all CPDs at Associate Creative School level (Apply Now), formal online application submissions, online interview
  • Outstanding schools may be eligible for the Creative Learning Leadership Programme (local training and London Study Trip)
Creative Schools I
  • Year 2024 – 2027
  • Extension from pilot project 
  • HHCKLA Buddhist Ching Kok Lin Association School
    • 1 level of students (5 classes)
    • Key Learning Areas: Values Education x Visual Arts
    • Creative Domain: Sound Arts

Lead Creative Schools

Year 2024 – 2027

  • Extension from pilot project 
  • Whole-school creative learning development
  • Creative Learning Leadership Programme
    • Overseas Study Trip (London, UK)
    • Pre- and post-trip professional development sessions

Tin Shui Wai Methodist Primary School

  • 2 levels of students (8 classes)
  • Key Learning Areas: Chinese x Visual Arts; Mathematics x Physical Education
  • Creative Domains: Costume Design and Making; Creative Movements

“The ultimate goal of education is for students to realise self-directed learning and AFTEC classes really do allow students to achieve this. During the learning process, they learn how to communicate with and listen to others, skills that will undoubtedly come in handy in the future. Although we are not teaching them these skills deliberately, I am sure they will learn by osmosis and gain from the process.” – Ms Li

Tuen Mun Government Primary School

  • 2 levels of students (8 classes)
  • Key Learning Areas: Chinese x Visual Arts
  • Creative Domains: Papercraft; Music and Sound Arts

“In the past three years, students learnt about various aspects of the creative mindset, which can be applied to other classes. For example, when I am analysing an essay with students, I can use the ‘See, Feel, Think, Wonder’ strategies. This helps students develop transferable skills.” – Ms Peggy Tang